Monday 10 August 2009

The Chapter for making the Transformation into a Squibbon

Velle Omnia, Velleque Igitur Nihil

The trees of eternity shake, and stalk-eyed things with tentacles brachiate through the boughs. Ambulatory slime-moulds lurk in wait for flying fish. Giant pachyderms evolved from squid patrol the forest floor. The wheel turns, and wheels turn within wheels. The house has fallen and the Dragon sunk and many once rejoicing in the glory of the earth are dead, or so it seems; but he that is fallen may rise again, and fall and rise once more; for in this race pole position is an honour that passes round. Four long ducks quack quack insistently that the pole or palus is a simple phalik symbol, until invited to consider the symbolism of being slapped about the head hard with a large wet fish. At the distance of a century our own times might seem as strange.

Glory blazes, and collapses as a singularity . . .

“Even to the abyss, annihilation. An end to loneliness, as to all.”

. . . to will all, and therefore to will nought.

in templo stellarum ambulo sub umbra alarum noctis

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